Art About Art - Time Travel 1

This is the first of 3 posts in a series called Art About Art - Time Travel.

As you can see from my other posts, my artworks often make obvious or more subtle references to the art of other artists (a kind of ArtAboutArt-ism).  In revisiting favourite old master paintings, for example, I have on occasion introduced new pictorial elements that, in effect, change the meaning/message of the original work and in so doing a viewer might have a fresh engagement with the original. 

At some point in mid 2015 the idea of revisiting favourite paintings I might introduce a Time Traveler (visitor) into the work.

In this Time Travel 1 post you can see below examples of my work in which I have introduced my wife, dressed in a kind of timeless, monk-like robe that I hope brings a kind of authenticity to each work. In other words, I tried to make her 'fit in'.

See full blog + artworks

Posted by Gordon Coldwell on February 26th 2016

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