Do You Dream in Colour?

Do You Dream in Colour? - Gordon Coldwell
Do You Dream in Colour?

Over the past year a significant part of my work has evolved into creating virtually real (gallery like) spaces in which a range of images and objects - each with some autobiographical importance to me - are arranged and presented to the viewer as an encouragement to work out and/or make up their own narrative. 

See the most recent example of this work: Do You Dream in Colour? Influences on my thinking are the late works of Richard Hamilton... Robert Rauchenberg... Renaissance historic event epics... contemporary cinema and advertising. In part, because of the autobiographical references, I am aware this type of work reflects a western look (UK/European) and artistic heritage.

Each ingredient (e.g. a Vermeer painting) has been changed in some way, creating new meaning in the parts and the whole as a consequence).

Posted by Gordon Coldwell on March 24th 2016

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